Phillipians 4:13

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Week Two: Physical Training One

Well, I made myself get out there and run, and I enjoyed it. The system for the second set of trainings is 5 minute brisk walk, alternating 90 second jog and 2 minute walk for a total of 20 minutes. The C25K App follows all that with a 5 minute cool down walk, which helps a lot.

There were a few things that stuck out at me about this training/workout in particular. The first is that I keep getting cramps. I'm going to have to stretch longer and better, and work on my breathing techniques (and drink more water less soda!!!). The second is that the program works really well. I noticed that before I started I could barely run 30 seconds without getting winded, now I can run 90 and I barely get winded. The third is that I have a horrible time keeping track of which jog interval I'm on.

Once again I thought I was on the second to last one, and when I finished it and had walked for two minutes and the timer didn't go off I checked to find that I had finished. Now that was a terrific feeling.

I had one moment that will remain etched in my mind, however, and is kind of cool piggy backing on the featured post from my friend about Autism. I've decided, and have mentioned, I am running for specific causes. This has a couple of reasons. One, it keeps me accountable, and two, it gives me something to focus on while running so I don't just give up.

Well, today while running I was feeling tired. I don't know what run it was. Maybe the 4th or 5th interval. I was running pretty decently, but I was tired. I was breathing deeply and the cramps were starting to hit again. Then, from out of nowhere, I thought about Aidan's latest meltdown and how much that must be a struggle for him.

That's when it happened. "What are you doing? There's Aidan, who perseveres in the face of Autism, when a lot of people count him out, and you can't even push yourself another 30 seconds?" So I did. Aidan became my inspiration, and it was a moment I truly will never forget.

He's an amazing little boy, and I pray God blesses him mightily, and his momma, too.

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