Phillipians 4:13

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

The Journey...

What is this "journey"?
On April 27th, 2010 I began a committed journey to change my physical endurance, and spiritual endurance. The journey follows the training plan Couch 2 5K, and on the off-days includes a bit of reflection on the spiritual training, as well. On the extra off-day between the 3rd workout day of the week and the 1st workout day of the next week, I will also feature blog posts from a friend whom has a son with autism or links to Autism Walks and Events, and maybe something else from time to time.

I encourage and invite you to join me on this journey, to experience the tears and the fears, and to help me and support me as well as the cause, Autism Speaks, by clicking the thingy-mabobber on the right of the blog.

So what is "I Can't 2 He Can" anyways?
It's a thought process, a change in mindset. It is something that requires a change in focus from myself to Him. Phillipians 4:13 says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." It has become my mantra as I run, what propels me forward when I hear the "I Can't" and begin to question whether I truly can.

It's a change that requires constant focus on God versus being on myself. I am human, I am fallable. I am prone to falling short, yet when God is entered into the equation, "I can do all things." I'm using this journey to work on changing my mindset as well as my physical endurance, so that I may better "run the race marked for us."

Thanks for reading. :)